Floral Containers
Monochromatic Colors
Single color schemes, utilize different shades of the same color, repeated in an array of different flowers. Although all flowers will all fall under the same category of color, the tones and shape of the flowers will be diverse, making this a dynamic planting style. Any Monochromatic color scheme may be pared with accents of silver or even deep-toned foliage for a dramatic effect. Often hints of white will be added to give contrast and add some lightness. Use this planting style if you want to add some color but still want to have a feeling of calm. I recommend this style for properties with a lot of planters or on properties where the view is the main focus.
- 508-325-6777
- info@atlanticlandscapinginc.com
- 6A Marble Way
- Nantucket Island, MA 02554
- 61 Old South Rd, Suite 373
- Nantucket Island, MA 02554